Journal title Journal of Digital Security and Forensics
Initials DigiSecForensics
Abbreviation J. Digi. Sec. Forensics
Frequency Two issues per year
DOI prefix 10.29121
Online ISSN 0000-0000
Editor-in-chief Dr. Pratosh Bansal Professor, Department of IT, Institute of Engineering & Technology, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore, MP, India
Managing Editor Dr. Tina Porwal Managing Editor, Granthaalayah Publications and Printers, India
Publisher Granthaalayah Publications and Printers
Language of Publication English

The Journal of Digital Security and Forensics (ISSN: 0000-0000) is an online, half-yearly, open-access, peer-reviewed journal which provides a forum to publish accessible articles describing original research in the inherently interdisciplinary domains of cyber security, information security, and digital forensics. This includes the security of information, computers and networks, cryptography, cyber-physical system security, digital forensics, and other related fields. This also includes digital forensic research, case studies, investigation models, investigation tools analysis, electronic evidence reporting, and the future of digital forensics. In addition, the journal publishes papers that take an interdisciplinary approach to the study of cyber and information security, including topics such as international relations, data protection, privacy, ethics, legal issues, and economic implications.

The objective of the journal is to entice contributions from a diverse range of article formats in order to encourage cooperation across various industries that are attempting to counteract the proliferation of cyber and information security risks. Traditional research-oriented articles, educational surveys to instruct a wider technical community, informative articles that discuss practical policy, legal, and economic aspects of digital security and forensics, and editorial or position articles that pose new ideas and paradigm shifts for the field of security and forensics are all examples of the types of articles that could be included in the journal.

This publication platform is dedicated to publishing high-quality empirical research in addition to scholarly articles that are founded on implications and solutions applicable to the current world.

The journal encourages submissions that focus on substantive and challenging issues in the fields of cyber and information security and digital forensics. Mainly, the publication invites its authors to express their own thoughts on critical topics. The following are the most important aspects of the subject:

  • Computer science and security.
  • Security and crime science.
  • Human factors and psychology; security economics.
  • Legal aspects of information security; political and policy perspectives.
  • Machine learning; AI security.
  • Digital ledger technology.
  • Anomaly and intrusion detection, and countermeasures to prevent detection.
  • Applied cryptography and cryptographic protocols.
  • Big data; cloud computing and security and privacy threats.
  • Malware, malware reverse engineering, and malware defense and mitigation strategies.
  • Network security and security in mobile platforms.
  • Digital forensics tools/techniques/standardization, testing/approvals for forensic tools.
  • Forensics, including computer and network forensics.
  • Crime scene/search and seizure processes, criminal investigation of mobile devices.
  • Investigative techniques, judicial processes, legal/ethical issues, cyber crime legislations.
  • Digital and physical surveillance, digital image manipulation.

The journal presents an innovative platform for researchers, students, practitioners, and educators to both learn from and contribute to the field. All articles are subject to initial editor screening and then a rigorous double-blind peer-review process before publication.